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Walther Strong Video Library

Applying Decktape

Applying Deck tape really is incredibly simple. You don’t need to apply paint, bitumen or butyl tape… why?? Because our deck tape is a much quicker, cheaper and more sustainable product that is changing the game on timber subframe protection. 

But dont take our word for it… check out The Home Improvements Channel and see how the new breed are installing their composite decking and how they protect their timber subframe.

Getting started with Venetian Plastering

Luke achieves some unreal effects with his venetian plastering skills and tools. 

By using Walther Strong Ultra fine MATI mesh he can overlay micro cement and other industry secrets to get a range of effects from rock formations to buffed marble.

He hosts courses at the Walther Strong premesis in Grantham once a month so call in to enquire about the trade and what Luke can offer you. 

What to look for in scrim tape?

Our Scrim has some seriously unique properties that make it stand out from the rest. 

Its important above all that we listen to the tradesmen that use our products and innovate off that feedback. 

Thats exactly what we have done! Our scrim is finer, with amazing tack, affordable, available in 3 different widths and is alkali resistant!

painting and decorating matter!

And so do the products you use! We here at Walther Strong provide you with masking tapes for your classic style of painting protection however… we are still here to save you time and money.

We bring to you H20 LIQUID PRIME and MASK. Acting as a primer and a glass protector this 2 in 1 product saves you ever having to mask up again!

Get to know our CEO

Trade Legends is a podcast that talks to tradesmen and women throughout the industry of construction, diy and all things building. 

The were kind enough to offer an invite out to Fred, our main man, to discuss how the business got started, why we exist, and what our plans our fo the future – also includes special guests Elwoof enterprises and Bobby2Chippy. 

Decktape is catching on

In this video is one of our local decking and landscaping merchants, describing the importance of one of our main product lines!

Testimonials like this really mean the world to us, it demonstrates that what we are doing and what we believe in are resonating with our audiences.

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